Pregnancy Update for Baby Ezra

I haven’t really shared much on our blog or social media about our pregnancy thus far, so I thought I’d recap now that I’m almost done (better late than never right?).  After dreaming and praying for another little Duffey for nearly 2 years we were thrilled to finally expand our family.  So here is a condensed version of this journey thus far…. with pictures of course!

How we found out:  It was the weekend of Labor day when I realized I should take a test.  I decided to wait until Tuesday just in case (I’ve had a chemical pregnancy in the past and thought it would be best not to take it too early).   Sure enough, it was positive.  :)

What Pierson thinks about the newest member:  Pierson is over the moon, insanely excited for his baby brother and that has been such a joyful thing to watch over the last 8 months.  He had been asking for a baby and even prayed numerous times for one so he was excited from the moment he found out.  I don’t think he realized how long it would take for baby Duffey to grow.  He keeps asking how much longer till he is here which is hard to explain at times so we have decided to get a calendar for his room now that its closer for him to countdown on.  He also will randomly hug me/my belly and tell Ezra he loves him.  I always desired more of a closer age difference but I think the way it worked out has been more of a blessing.  He is already a great big brother and I can’t wait to watch him adapt to this new role once Ezra is here.

Above Pictures taken by my Sister @ 30 Weeks

How I’ve felt this pregnancy:  This pregnancy is definitely different than my first (though, I think all pregnancies are).  I can tell that Im nearly 5 years older as its been more difficult on my body this go round.  I honestly can’t complaint too much as it’s all normal pregnancy things that I just didn’t have to deal with the first time!  However, with the added aches and pains there have also been some differences that have been exciting!  With Pierson my placenta was in the front so I wasn’t able to really feel as much movement as I have this time around.  Its been amazing!  Ive also experienced hiccups for the first time this past month which was very interesting (Pierson thought it was pretty cool, too!).   Overall, its been a great pregnancy but Im certainly ready for the little guy to come!

Above Pictures taken @ 33 Weeks

Fears about the labor and delivery:  It’s no secret that Paul and I are slightly nervous of the delivery of Baby Ezra.  You’d think with it being our second we’d know what to expect but if you know anything about Pierson’s birth it was nowhere near textbook and left us traumatized.  If you aren’t familiar with our story you can check back on Pierson’s birth story.  Long story short, after nearly 20 hrs of intense pain/labor I was sent home from the hospital b/c I wasn’t progressing past a 1 and my water had not broken at that point.  They claimed it could be false labor (though I was physically sick and in extreme pain) and said I could keep waiting for doctor or go home.  I chose to go back home b/c the triage room was tiny and uncomfortable.  They gave me an Ambien to get sleep and once I woke up nothing had changed, contractions and pain were the same as had been past 20+hrs.  Suddenly after a short period of time Pierson’s head was a knuckle distance away and we ended up having him at home.  Pierson came out perfect (though he did have the cord around his neck- it didn’t effect him) Praise God!  However, I had some issues with my placenta and lost a bunch of blood.  This caused me to pass out multiple times while  being transported to the hospital and I was 1 count from needing a blood transfusion.  Needless to say, we are praying and dreaming of a much less eventful and shorter labor this time around and of course a healthy baby which is the most important!

We would love and deeply appreciate your prayers over the next few weeks as we prepare for baby Ezra’s arrival.   <3
Above Pictures taken @ 35 Weeks | More from this session here

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